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Getting a satellite into orbit is merely the first step in making it a useful piece of equipment. It besides needs to arrive in the right orbit and stay there, known as station-keeping. In the by this was accomplished with chemical propulsion, but more modern satellites accept relied upon a mix of chemic and electric propulsion. At present Boeing has appear the beginning all-electric ion propulsion satellite is fully operational.

The satellite in question doesn't have a snappy name — it's a communications satellite chosen ABS-3A 702SP. It was launched last March aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. It has just recently been handed over to its owner, Bermuda-based telecommunications company ABS. Because ABS-3A is a communications satellite, information technology needs to remain in a geosynchronous orbit. Thus, station-keeping is essential. When it can no longer maintain its orbit, information technology volition end being useful. Ion thrusters make a lot of sense in this scenario.

Ion engines operate on the same basic principles of physics that chemical thrusters do — expel mass from a nozzle to push a arts and crafts in the reverse direction. Instead of the combustion of volatile chemicals, ion engines operate with chemically inert xenon gas. Using an electrostatic field, the ionized gas is accelerated out of the nozzle, propelling the craft forward. This is the same type of thruster technology used on NASA's Dawn spacecraft, which is currently studying the dwarf planet Ceres.

ion thruster

Ion thrusters are considerably more efficient than conventional rocket motors. In this case, Boeing claims the Xenon Ion Propulsion Organization (XIPS) designs used for ABS-3A is ten times more than efficient than liquid fueled rockets. ABS-3A needs merely 11 pounds (5kg) of xenon gas per year to maintain station-keeping, pregnant it tin can remain operational much longer than a similar satellite with conventional thrusters. ABS expects the satellite to remain agile for almost fifteen years. Ion thrusters are also considerably lighter than chemical engines, making launches cheaper. The drawback is the very low thrust of an ion engine. That's why past satellites accept carried conventional thrusters besides.

Upon commitment to orbit, ABS-3A used its ion thrusters to accomplish a geosynchronous orbit at 3 degrees west longitude. Afterward being tested by Boeing, the satellite was turned over to ABS on August 31st. Now that the pattern has proven itself viable, Boeing is forging ahead with a second satellite for ABS using the aforementioned XIPS engines. This i volition exist blasted into infinite erstwhile next year.