Introduction: Woods Lamp


Inspired and intrigued to the "flection tension" system of the ITKE Pavillon 2010, I craved to use this "active bending" construction organisation to build a lamp.
Using Rhino+Grasshopper I design my lamp as a parametric mock up, in order to follow competent to make easy changes during the development and adapt the lamps in function of the textile, the quad and desires...

Steps 1 to 6 explain roughly how I contrive my lamp

Steps 7 and 8 explain how to progress it using the milling file .dxf

Thanks to Georgi Kazlachev and Djordje Stanojevic for the aspiration that they give me during the Plain-woven Wood Workshop, thanks to Tiziano from Open Dot for the help victimisation the optical maser cut of OpenDot and thanks to Jean de la Term of enlistment for some pictures

Step 1: Link Between Mechanical Behavior and Geometry

The bodily structure is composed of an even number of strips. They are quite standardized, simply slenderly various to make up the flexion-tension principle.

For one wave, we can see a bending behavior for the 1st strip and a tension behavior for the 2nd. For the next waving the 1st strip is bended and the 2nd in latent hostility.

Putting in concert only two strips we create a geometry due to the mechanical behavior. This geometry must cost closed to the one defined, in ordination to be able to get the whole social organisation without troubles during the meeting place procedure.

Step 2: Parameters of the Job

On Rhino I worked only in 2D with a section of the lamp. I delimited the axis and the put back of the nodes (crossing of strips.

Knowing the position of the nodes the values of angles "a" and lengths "L2" are known. The difficult undertaking is to find "L1" precisely, to create the right tip over "a" needed.And this L1 is not governed by geometry but by the mechanical behavior of the pillage...

Stone's throw 3: Relation Lengths - Tip

The relation between lengths and angle is far from simple. Because we cannot use the young displacement surmisal and the inertia of the funnies is not steadfast. Incidentall, A far as I understand, this relation does not depend along the crucial so I did both tests using paper to generate an experimental relation. I used lone "one wave" to accomplish those testing because in the real structure, collectable to the zero curve for some strips approximately nodes, there are no bending moment transiting from one brandish to the opposite (this "not bending second around nodes" is as wel a very functional fact to get into't put stress in this realm subver past nick, so to reduce breaks probability)

On paper, this relation survive for constant inertia beam. And then I added a parameter (beta) to take this effect into account, and I take the value in order to fit empirical data obtained with the paper model.

In the design on Rhinoceros, I had in reality ii angle "a1" and "a2", indeed I managed to have all of those angle closed and I computed the base of "a1" and "a2" to role the relation length-angle

I did several paper model using only ii strips to translate the limits and the validity of this copulation for my problem, and to check the drawing given by the Grasshopper platform.

Step 4: Grasshopper Program

I built the hopper file protrusive from:

  1. the axis vertebra and the list of nodes position defined in Rhino.
  2. the list of numerical parameters
  3. the fles for the width
  4. the joint length evolution on the strip length

Using all of those inputs, I mathematically constructed the shape "ready to embody cut" of strip 1 and deprive 2. And I added a display tools (2D and 3D) to help design choices during the design work of the finale lamp.

Important steps of the program:

  1. Computation to find the width of strips (For each nodes we find the width dividing the circumference (2*pi*Ri) away the number of strips)
  2. Computing of angles a from the nodes position

  3. Figuring of lengths "L1" using angles "a" and the previous relation

  4. Computation of the notches orientation for each strips (using the fact that the intersection of ii plans is given by the cross product of the normals of those two plans. anyway, this is one of the most cumbersome part of the program)
  5. Drawing of the strips putting together each of the previous data computed before.
  6. Building of 2D and 3D display tools

Step 5: Hopper Platform - Television

Step 6: Concern of Invariable Pattern

Using a parametric design technique, it takes more time to develop a design but, Eastern Samoa shown in this picture, it's easy to make whatever changes of input, and to at once get the new presentation and the parvenue drafting of strips "ready to be cut"

Tread 7: Laser Cutting

Exploitation the drafting of strips presented by the grasshopper program it is easy to burn the strips with a laser excision machine.

The material is birken plywood of 0.6mm bought in model-devising shop.( around 30€ for the whole lamp)

Abuse 8: Assembly

Ready to ingest more flexibleness, and to avoid breaks, I frame strips into water system for around 1 60 minutes before starting the gathering process.


  1. I put together the two 1st strips starting from the fundament
  2. I added the strips one by one alternate face, until to get a structure of 27 strips
  3. I tack the 3 last strips
  4. I added those 3 in the structure of 27 to make easier the final part of the assembly.
  5. I added some brass wires in some nodes to tighten the undiversified structure.
  6. I fixed the lightbulb using a plywood washer plugged between the thread and the crank of the cap. and I joined the washer to the structure using a cord.

Bank bill: If you want to try the fabrication cognitive process is quite difficult, it requires time and patience....but it's possible.

Please let me know if you try to progress it, and if you get some new discernment regarding this type of structure, because I'm still working on that...

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